Wednesday 11 July 2012

Blind Beaty

I have been reading this book called Blind Beauty, It is about a horse basically.

The story so far goes like this...

There is this man called Declan, he has a daughter called Tessa, anyway they have a mare with a famous bloodline and they wanted to keep the bloodline but to do that they had to put her into foal, as the mare was so old, when she eventually had the foal it was born with no eyes, just empty sockets, the foal was also very ugly and not something anyone would expect to be a racehorse.
The day after shiner (foal) was born, Tessa went and sat with shiner, and instantly they bonded.
Once shiner had found his feet and was in his paddock, tessa would run and shiner would follow her the bond was so strong they were inseprable.
But the worst thing happened... tessa being so young had to move away to live somewhere else with her mother...
Her mother remarried a rich man and they sent tessa to boarding schools after boarding schools she would keep getting herself kicked out because of her behaviour, they also wouldnt get her a horse, so as she was at the age to get like a weekend job her parents sent her to work and a racehorse training stables, they had all the great famous racehorses trained there, they gave her the job of stable hand.
One day  this ugly horse turned up, the owner wanted them to train this horse for the big races,
They gave this horse to tessa to look after and she made him all shiny and look amazing just like all the other horses.
Couple months later tessas mother found a boarding school for her, and eventually she got kicked out of this school, but by the time she could go back to the stables, they had already got another groom....

I hope that they eventually get baffon (the horse that was called shiner, when it was a foal) to the race track.

Friday 29 June 2012

My Reading Light

I don’t have a problem with reading i just don’t read much...

Sometimes when I’m bored and in a bit of a bad mood I will just sit and read, sometimes I will sit with my dogs blossom and minty, one either side of me:P
I don’t and haven’t made a habit of reading on a daily basis.
If i read i have to like the book and get into it otherwise i can’t read it and it will put me off, of reading, and i won’t read for ages after.

I like books about animals and teen books mainly, mystical books are okay there is one i am wanting to try called ‘strange angles’, it looks very good and sounds like it has an interesting story line.
My all-time favourite book is ‘Della says OMG’ it’s about a girl aged about 16 who has never had a relationship, but one summer she gets one and her sister tries to ruin it for her..
I don’t have any favourite author’s but i used to like listening and reading Roald Dahl.

I am hoping this blog will help me get back into reading as i used to read a lot, thanks for visiting my blogggg...:)Xx