Friday 29 June 2012

My Reading Light

I don’t have a problem with reading i just don’t read much...

Sometimes when I’m bored and in a bit of a bad mood I will just sit and read, sometimes I will sit with my dogs blossom and minty, one either side of me:P
I don’t and haven’t made a habit of reading on a daily basis.
If i read i have to like the book and get into it otherwise i can’t read it and it will put me off, of reading, and i won’t read for ages after.

I like books about animals and teen books mainly, mystical books are okay there is one i am wanting to try called ‘strange angles’, it looks very good and sounds like it has an interesting story line.
My all-time favourite book is ‘Della says OMG’ it’s about a girl aged about 16 who has never had a relationship, but one summer she gets one and her sister tries to ruin it for her..
I don’t have any favourite author’s but i used to like listening and reading Roald Dahl.

I am hoping this blog will help me get back into reading as i used to read a lot, thanks for visiting my blogggg...:)Xx